Yoko Konishi is a Japanese composer, performer, soprano singer, and researcher.

She trained as a mixed music composer and multimedia artist, specifically curious about human perception through spatial movements. Her emphasis has also existed on more sensitive spaces and connections; between gestures and instruments/objects. She often draws inspiration from intricate electronic sounds she has created and strives to recreate them through the methods including acoustically and with a cross-modal approach.

Yoko is involved in mixed musical composition, multimedia composition, and instrumental musical composition. Lately, she has been concentrating on multimedia works, with her latest projects involving the creation of an orchestra of plants using machine learning and ambisonic techniques.

She performed her multimedia piece Fluctuating beings II (2022) and it has been broadcasted on BBC 3 ‘New Music Show’ as a highlight of the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival 2022 edition.

Her electric guitar duo piece will be performed in Acht Brücken Festival in Germany in March 2023.