Quintet for Agni for animal and nature protection, Om.

Composed by
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
large chamber ensemble
With electronics
Music and...
Visual arts
Real-time interaction
Work premiered
December 2023
Venue of the premiere
Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
7 minutes

Ensemble music by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo for Agni for animal and nature protection, live vegetarian with love and kindness, with compassion and generosity, give liberally, be peaceful, calm, collected and purify your heart and mind, do good deeds of merits for good karma, think good thoughts, speak good words and act accordingly well, Om.

Also added by this member
Jazz for Varuna
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Jazz for Agni
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Pieces for Varuna 2
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Pieces for Varuna 1
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Bless the animals
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Compassion is for all
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo
Abstain from hurting
Patrick Ananta Sutardjo